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Taylor Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, Inc.

Rev. Tony Sorrells Sr., Pastor/Teacher


From the Pastor’s Desk – Glory be to God. He has allowed us to stay here another year. We should be so thankful for His many blessings. Let us pray that we will continue to grow in the knowledge and Grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our theme for 2017 was “In Everything in 2017, Keep God First.” Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Matthew 6:33. r


2018 Theme: My Year to Be Filled with the Word So I Can Know, Do, and Share


Scripture: Matthew 5:6 – Blessed are they which do Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness, for they shall be filled.


Last year was an awesome year for Mt. Calvary. Because we were seeking the Kingdom of God first and His Righteousness we were able to become better acquainted with God and His will for our lives. This year we want to focus on hungering and desiring the Word of God so that we can first, build a better relationship with God and secondly, build a better relationship with others, including our family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and church family. I believe that if we want to do better in our relationship with God we can take intentional steps to reach our goal which is to “always hunger and thirst after righteousness.” Here are three areas I want us to focus on this year:

  1. Have an intense desire to be filled with the Word of God and the Righteousness of God.

  2. Take action by coming to Jesus just as you are. You need a balanced diet of praise, prayer, preaching/teaching, and fellowshipping through worshipping God with the children of God.

  3. Keep coming back for more by becoming “Hooked & Addicted” to the Word of God so much so that nothing else satisfies your soul.


I want all the Ministers, Ministers’ Wives, Deacons and Deaconesses to know that other members are observing you and you have to remember that you have been called out and set apart for the purpose of serving God. When you neglect to attend church regularly, when you refuse to give in tithes and offering regularly, and when you don’t praise God in the fellowship with other believers, you set an example that won’t help you or those who are watching you. Make sure you do these three things:


  1. Bring your tithe and offering faithfully as God has commanded us to do. Make sure you give your tithe and offering even in your absence, so that we can meet our budget responsibilities and as God has commanded, go out and build up the Kingdom of God.

  2. Please make every effort to attend church regularly as God has commanded of His saints.

  3. Church etiquette is to be followed by everyone. Please stand and refrain from walking during the scripture reading and prayers; place your cell phone on silent.

  4. Say positive things about Mt. Calvary, the Pastor, and all of our Members. Do not join in with people who are gossiping or saying negative things about the Church or its members.

  5. Help people to learn more about Christ and always invite the lost and the unchurched to come hear the Word of God.


Abundant Blessings,

Pastor Sorrells

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